
Brian J. Fligor, ScD
Brian J. Fligor, ScD is the Director of Diagnostic Audiology at Childrens Hospital Boston and Instructor in the Department of Otology and Laryngology at Harvard Medical School. His primary research interests are investigating causes of acquired hearing loss from ototoxicity and noise, particularly in the pediatric population. Dr. Fligors work on the potential for noise-induced hearing loss from using portable media players with headphones has received considerable popular media attention, including being spoofed on the David Letterman Show in 2005. His publications on the causes of hearing loss from medical interventions has helped shape recommendations by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (2007) for universal newborn hearing screening follow-up and established an international standard for grading ototoxicity from chemotherapy.
Dr. Fligor is a practicing pediatric audiologist and principle in the Children's Hospital Boston Musicians Hearing Program, a clinical program established to enroll adolescents and adults engaged in musical activities in a hearing loss prevention program. He is a member of the Childrens Oncology Group, Member-at-Large of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Audiology and chair of the Music-induced Hearing Disorders taskforce for the National Hearing Conservation Association.