
Brian W. Rotenberg, MD, MPH, FRCSC
Brian Rotenberg, MD, MPH, FRCSC, is an associate professor of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery at Western University (London, Canada) and director of the Sleep Surgery Program at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is dual fellowship trained in sinonasal surgery and pediatric surgery, and joined the faculty at Western University in 2007. He is a founding member and co-chief editor of the International Surgical Sleep Society. Dr. Rotenberg is the chair of the Sleep Apnea Interest Group at the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology, and is also involved in panel work on sleep apnea with the American Rhinological Society. He has been an invited speaker internationally on topics relating to sleep apnea and rhinology, and has more than 40 peer reviewed publications as well as funded research grants to study sleep and sinonasal research. Dr. Rotenberg is a medical consultant for guideline publications relating to perioperative management of apneic patients, and is also a consultant for various industry partners working on innovative surgical devices for treatment of apnea and snoring. His research interests include establishing evidence-based perioperative outcomes assessments for sleep apnea and diagnosing sleep disorders via computer modeling.