
Erin L. Miller, AuD
Erin L. Miller, AuD, is a clinical instructor at the University of Akron and serves as the coordinator of the Northeast Ohio AuD Consortium. She worked clinically in hospital settings and private practice for more than 20 years before becoming a clinical instructor. Dr. Miller earned her AuD from the University of Florida, her MA from Kent State University, and her BS from Clarion University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Miller currently teaches courses in amplification, practice management, and precepting. She has been an invited speaker at local, state, and national conventions. Her presentation topics have included auditory processing disorders, coding and reimbursement, ethics, legislative and regulatory matters, and practice management. Dr. Miller is a past president of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Academy of Audiology, and she continues to serve on committees and task forces at the state and national levels.