
Jan S. Lewin, PhD
Dr. Jan S. Lewin received her PhD from Michigan State University in 1994. She was the Director of Speech Pathology at the University of Michigan from 1985 until she joined the faculty at MD Anderson Cancer Center in 1995 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, and was subsequently promoted to Professor in 2010. She is the Director of the Section of Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is a well-known clinical authority on the restoration of speech and swallowing function in patients with head and neck cancer and remains an advocate for inclusion of speech pathologists and audiologists in the multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment of cancer patients. Under her direction, the Section of Speech Pathology and Audiology at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center is recognized as the premiere program for functional rehabilitation and restoration of oncology patients. Dr. Lewins contribution to the education of graduate and medical trainees are well recognized particularly in the areas of alaryngeal speech restoration following total laryngectomy, rehabilitation of speech and swallowing after treatment of oral cavity, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cancer, and videostroboscopic evaluation of laryngeal functioning. She has mentored over 50 graduate students and supervised numerous clinical fellowships since joining M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in 1995. She has taught a variety of formal academic courses and served on the faculty of several universities as an adjunct professor over the past 15 years. Dr. Lewin has been an invited guest lecturer at many local, national, and international conferences, symposia, and meetings in her own or related fields of specialty including head and neck surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, and plastic surgery and reconstruction. In addition to student education, she has served as the Director of the International Association of Laryngectomees Voice Institute and continues to lecture and write extensively for national and international public education networks and cancer survivor groups.
Dr. Lewin has received numerous honors and awards for her meritorious contributions to academic scholarship. Dr. Lewin was made a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in November, 2003. In 2009, she received the Outstanding Alumni Award, College of Communication Arts & Sciences, as well as the Herbert J. and E. Jane Oyer Endowed Lecturer, 2010, from Michigan State University. She is a board recognized specialist in swallowing. She continues to serve on several institutional committees and has been a steering committee member of the Voice and Voice Disorders Special Interest Division of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, an invited committee member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, American College of Surgeons Oncology Group, and the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Surgical Subcommittee. Dr. Lewin serves on the editorial board for Head and Neck and provides editorial review for numerous other professional journals. Dr. Lewin is the principal investigator or chairman on 10 research studies and is the co-investigator on several other multidisciplinary research projects. Finally, Dr. Lewin has written or co-authored over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 17 book chapters, along with a myriad of other publications on the topic of functional restoration of speech and swallowing.