
Janice Gordon, MS, CCC-SLP
Janice Gordon, MS, CCC-SLP, is a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist in private practice. Janice obtained her Master of Science from La Salle University where she was a graduate research assistant and recipient of the Graduate Achievement Award in 2013. Her clinical practice has included assessment and treatment of preschool children with communication disorders in Bucks County, PA and conducting research at the Selective Mutism Anxiety and Related Disorders Treatment (SMart) Center. She presents at national and regional conventions including the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association, SMart Center's Beyond the Basics Conference, and at the Selective Mutism Association's annual convention. Janice is published in Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry on the topic of treatment for selective mutism and is a co-author of the new publication EXPanding Receptive and Expressive Skills through Stories (EXPRESS): Language Formulation in Children with Selective Mutism and Other Communication Needs. Her diagnostic and treatment approaches are guided by the importance of collaboration between all members of her client's team.