
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology, Voice Disorders Center Clinic Director, and adjunct faculty to the Communication Sciences and Disorders program at the University of Utah. Dr. Barkmeier-Kraemer received her master's and doctorate degrees in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the University of Iowa. She completed postdoctoral research at the National Institutes of Health in the Voice and Speech Section directed by Christy Ludlow, PhD, while serving on the faculty in the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences for 14 years at the University of Arizona. Dr. Barkmeier-Kraemer developed and taught courses in Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism, Voice Disorders, and Dysphagia and also participated as a faculty member in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs in Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering. Her primary research addresses the sensorimotor controls of the larynx for respiration, voicing, and swallowing with recent involvement in a multisite effort to develop an infant and child feeding and swallowing screening instrument for use by primary care providers.