
Kathleen D. Ross, MS, CCC-SLP
Kathleen D. Ross, MS, CCC-SLP directs both of the fully online speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) and the speech-language pathology (SLP) pre-requisite programs and is adjunct faculty in the Department of Communication Science and Disorders at the University of Vermont (UVM). She has practiced as an SLP for 30 years and worked within early childhood education for nearly 40 years in various capacities, including childcare, early childhood special education, and early intervention. Kathleen continues as a practitioner, managing her own private practice with focus in evaluation, intervention and consultation primarily in early intervention programs now. She was a member of the writing team for Vermonts Early Learning Guidelines (2015), has written weekly educational articles for local news sources, and is published within the educational market, including with Redleaf Press, Gryphon House and Edcon Publishers. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Brain Injury Association of Vermont.