
Kristie A. Spencer, PhD, CCC-SLP
Kristie A. Spencer, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a Professor, Associate Chair, and Graduate Program Coordinator for the top-ranked Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Washington. She has published over 50 articles and has given over 100 presentations in the area of neurologic communication disorders. Dr. Spencer is currently an Editor for the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and an invited member of the National Dysarthria Practice Guidelines Committee for the Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS). She has served in various national leadership roles, including Elected Member of the Executive Board of ANCDS and a chairperson for the prestigious Conference on Motor Speech. Her research focuses on two primary areas: understanding the heterogeneity of speech/cognitive profiles for individuals with Parkinson and cerebellar disease, and examining pioneering rehabilitative approaches for the cognitive deficits experienced by people with Parkinson disease.