
Navid Shahnaz, PhD, Aud (C)
Dr. Shahnaz is an Associate Professor of Audiology in the School of Audiology & Speech Sciences at The University of British Columbia (UBC), where he has been since July 2002. He has also been working as an audiologist during this time in a private practice. Before joining UBC he was an Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences at University of Arizona. He received his MSc (1996) and PhD (2000) degree in audiology and communication sciences and disorders from The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University. During his residency at McGill University, he served as a faculty lecturer and clinical supervisor of audiology for three years. Before joining McGill University to pursue his studies he was working as a clinical audiologist, instructor, and researcher for six years at Tehran Medical Sciences University and in other private practice sectors in Tehran, Iran. Dr. Shahnaz's main area of research interest is diagnostic audiology, specifically multi-frequency tympanomety and wide-band energy reflectance in newborns, children, and adults.