
Renee Laura Fabus, MS, PhD, CCC-SLP, TSHH
Renee Fabus, PhD, CCC-SLP, TSHH is an associate professor and the director of The Neural Bases of Speech and Swallowing Disorders at Adelphi University in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She teaches graduate courses in speech disorders, motor speech disorders, advanced anatomy, and dysphagia. She received her bachelor's degree from New York University, her master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, and her PhD from Columbia University. Dr. Fabus has been a certified speech-language pathologist for 21 years and has practiced in a variety of medical settings. She has taught and supervised in programs in the New York City area and published in the areas of articulation and language disorders, aphasia and stuttering. She was President of the Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association.