
Ryan W. McCreery, PhD, CCC-A
Ryan W. McCreery, PhD, is the Director of Research, the Director of Audiology, and the Director of the Audibility, Perception, and Cognition Laboratory at Boys Town National Research Hospital. Dr. McCreery's research focuses on the effects of amplification on perception and cognition in children who are hard of hearing. He has had funding from the National Institutes of Health to support his research, including working as a coinvestigator with Dr. Walker on the Outcomes of Children With Hearing Loss, Outcomes of School-Age Children Who Are Hard of Hearing, and Complex Listening in School-Age Hard of Hearing Children studies. Dr. McCreery received the Early Career Contributions to Research Award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. He has taught courses in aural rehabilitation and pediatric audiology. Dr. McCreery received his Bachelor of Arts degrees in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from the University of Northern Colorado (2000) and his Master of Science in Audiology (2002) and PhD (2011) in Human Sciences from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.