
Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning Bundle (Textbook and Workbook)
- Third Edition
- Details:
- Color Illustrations (4 Color)
- Release Date:
- 06/13/2013
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Save 15% when you buy the Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning, Third Edition textbook and workbook together.
Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning, now in its third edition, is ideal for graduate dysphagia courses in speech-language pathology programs. The unique value of this book is its multidisciplinary approach, incorporating information pertinent to physicians, speech pathologists, nurse specialists, and dieticians who work together on a daily basis. For the third edition, the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated, including new information on many topics related to dysphagia in various medical conditions and patient populations, the latest assessments and instruments, and the current best practices in the treatment of swallowing disorders.
A DVD included with the text provides an animated tutorial demonstrating techniques for objective measures from fluoroscopy studies. In addition, it includes both normal and patient fluoroscopy studies for review and measurement. The patient studies selected are representative of impairments typically observed in clinical practice (inpatient and outpatient). Other media clips illustrate each instrumental assessment technique introduced in the book (e.g., endoscopic, transnasal esophagoscopy, high resolution manometry), performed on a variety of dysphagic patients.
Learn more about Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning, Third Edition.
A companion workbook is also available (sold separately) that includes practical exercises accompanying each chapterfor example, a step-by-step tutorial for making objective measures of timing and displacement from fluoroscopic swallow studies. The exercises are designed to clarify and expand on information presented in the text and should be of interest not only to students but to practicing clinicians hoping to add new skills to their repertoires.
Learn more about Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning Workbook, Third Edition.
Case Studies in Dysphagia Malpractice Litigation by Dennis Tanner, PhD
Drawing on his experiences as an expert witness in numerous medico-legal cases, Dr. Tanner provides reviews issues that may lead to malpractice litigation.
Click here for more information.
About The Authors
Rebecca Leonard, PhD, CCC-SLP, is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of California, Davis, and former Clinical Director of the Voice-Speech-Swallowing Center in the ENT Clinic. Dr. Leonard continues to be actively involved in research activities associated with the center. Her research interests include normal and disordered swallowing, changes in swallowing across the life span, development of quantitative radiographic techniques to assess the upper airway and esophagus during swallowing, aversive effects on structures of the upper airway associated with environmental stimuli (ozone), and the effects of ablative procedures on voice, speech, and swallowing and the rehabilitation of these effects with prosthetic appliances and reconstructive procedures. Her MS and PhD degrees are from Purdue University, and she is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Katherine A. Kendall, MD, FACS, completed her residency in Otolaryngology at the University of California, Davis. After residency, she joined the faculty at the University of California, Davis, where she was the medical director of the dysphagia team and the Voice, Speech and Swallowing Center and, along with co-author Dr. Rebecca Leonard, developed the Laryngology and Swallowing Assessment program. In 2004, Dr. Kendall joined the otolaryngology department at Park Nicollet Clinic in Minnesota. As director of laryngology services, Dr. Kendall was actively involved in education and training of speech pathologists in the area of voice and swallowing. Dr. Kendall joined the otolaryngology faculty at the University of Minnesota in 2007 and created a Voice Clinic at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center, offering multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment of voice and swallowing disorders. Dr. Kendall joined the Division of Otolaryngology at the University of Utah in 2012 and continues her work on the treatment of voice and swallowing disorders.
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