
Developmental Speech Disorders
- Details:
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-59756-229-4
- Release Date:
- 10/01/2007
Developmental Speech Disorders is a CD-ROM that has been designed as a flexible resource for classroom and clinical use. Using an intuitive navigation chart, the CD-ROM demonstrates typical speech development beginning at the early stages of vocal development in infancy and continuing through age four. These clips can be compared with video clips of clients with mildly disordered, moderately disordered, and severely disordered speech development in the following age categories: 1-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-8 years, and 8+ years of age. Each video clip is accompanied by written descriptions of a brief case history, diagnosis, and other relevant information. There is also an assessment practice section that allows viewers to assess various video clips of clients according to severity.
This clinical archive can be used to support clinical teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels of Communication Sciences and Disorders. It can also be used for support of clinical teaching related to student practicum experiences at the Masters degree level in CSD.
Practicing clinicians can use this tool as a reference for themselves, as well as for the families of patients, to demonstrate the various degrees of developmental speech disorders.
Janet P. Simpson, MS, S-LP(C), Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and University of Winnipeg, Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2009):
"... The CD-ROM is easy to navigate ... All the videos are good examples of typical and delayed/disordered development.... The authors provide ample documentation and additonal reading references."
DVD Contents:
Introduction to Topic
Typical Development in Months:
- 0-3
- 3-6
- 6-8
- 8-12
- 12-18
- 18-24
- 24-36
- 36-48
Levels of Severity
Mild in Years:
- 0-3
- 3-5
- 5-8
- 8+
Moderate in Years:
- 0-3
- 3-5
- 5-8
- 8+
Severe in Years
- 0-3
- 3-5
- 5-8
- 8+
Intended Audience
- Assessment 1- Phonological Disorder
- Assessment 2- Developmental Apraxia of Speech
- Assessment 3- Developmental Langauge Disorder
About The Authors
Barbara Davis, PhD, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin.
Lisa Bedore, PhD, Speech-Language Pathologist, University of Texas, Austin.
Related Titles
Treatment Protocols for Articulation and Phonological Disorders
250 pages, Color Illustrations (2 Color), Softcover, 8.5 x 11"