
The Essential Guide to Coding in Audiology
Coding, Billing, and Practice Management
- Edited by: Debra Abel
- Details:
- 114 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Spiral Bound, 8.5 x 11"
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-59756-893-7
- Release Date:
- 11/27/2017
The Essential Guide to Coding in Audiology: Coding, Billing, and Practice Management, written by audiologists for audiologists, addresses coding, reimbursement, contracting with third party payers, and the federal and state regulations that govern the practice of audiology. This pragmatic guide for all practicing audiologists in the United States fills the gap in training students in coding with a readable yet searchable book, yet offers everyday information for the seasoned audiologist as well as one considering the launching of a private practice. Included are sections on audiology coding basics and advanced issues, federal regulations, and ICD-10-CM.
An audiologist's income is tied to the ability to code and good revenue cycle processes; thus, he or she must properly bill and collect for services provided. As profit margins are squeezed, the ability to optimize revenue by compliant coding is of the utmost importance. The goal of this book is to provide contemporary information and the supporting resources in one location for what may seem to be elusive information for audiologists as well as for students regarding coding, reimbursement and compliance processes facing audiologists in most settings. The last decade has brought many notable changes to audiology; this user-friendly text will provide the reader, whether you are a student or a seasoned professional, the means to navigate these changes successfully.
Coding and compliance is a dynamic process and to assist, a toolbox of the three code families vital to audiologists are detailed within these pages. The procedure codes (CPT codes), the disease codes (ICD-10 codes), and the HCPCS codes for hearing aids and related services utilized by audiologists, are provided here so that the reader can have these at their fingertips in order to save time and effort. For options regarding hearing aid billing, insights into the world of insurance and contracts, understanding your revenue cycle, and the specifics of the laws that pertain to practicing audiologists and students only need to look so far as the other chapters.
Chapter 1. The Codes: CPT, ICD-10-CM and HCPCS Necessary to Bill Audiology Services
Debra Abel
Chapter 2. Introduction to Medicare
Debra Abel
Chapter 3. Federal Regulations Applicable to Audiology
Douglas A. Lewis
Chapter 4. Third-Party Reimbursement, Contracting and Credentialing for Audiology Services
Kimberly M. Cavitt
Chapter 5. Itemizing Professional Services for Hearing Aids
Stephanie Sjoblad
Chapter 6. Practicing in an Otolaryngology Office: Understanding Your Role in the Revenue Cycle
Kimberley J. Pollock
Chapter 7. Practice Management for Audiologists
Debra Abel
About The Editor
Debra Abel, AuD, received her Bachelor and Master's degrees from Kent State University and her AuD from the Arizona School of Health Sciences. Employed by the Alliance Eye and Ear Clinic for 14 years, she transitioned that practice into a private one where she was for 13 years.
She is the manager of Coding and Contracting Services for Audigy and is also associated with Arch Health Partners in Poway, CA, where she provides audiologic services on a per diem basis. Dr. Abel was the American Academy of Audiology's Senior Specialist, Practice Management and served as an Academy Board member-at-large, as the chair of the Academy's Coding and Reimbursement Committee and as a member of the Academy's Ethical Practice Board. Currently, she sits on the Practice Compliance Committee and the board of the American Academy of Audiology Foundation.
Dr. Abel has authored several chapters in Plural Publishing texts including the first, second and soon to be third editions of Strategic Practice Management: A Patient Centered Approach/Business and Procedural Considerations and The Essential Guide to Coding in Otolaryngology: Coding, Billing, and Practice Management. Dr. Abel is an adjunct assistant professor at A. T. Still. She was the Alliance Area's 1994 Athena Award recipient, was awarded the first "Active Advocate of the Year" by the State Leaders' Network of the American Academy of Audiology in 2006 and in 2012, the American Academy of Audiology's President's Award.