
Hearing Loss
The Otolaryngologist's Guide to Amplification
- Details:
- 296 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Hardcover, 7 x 10"
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-59756-188-4
- Release Date:
- 09/01/2009
Currently, most hearing loss cannot be helped by surgery or medications. The most appropriate treatment for most sensorineural and some conductive hearing loss is with properly fitted hearing aids. This textbook, representing the collaborative efforts of leading otologists and audiologists, is designed for otolaryngologists, both those in training as well as in practice, to enhance the basic knowledge of hearing aid mechanics and dispensing taught in residency programs.
The text has informative chapters on special testing, real-ear measurements, the requirements of fitting the pediatric patient with hearing loss, as well as the patient with tinnitus and hearing loss that otolaryngologists can expect to see commonly in practice. The increasing body of the "science" of hearing aid fitting is addressed in chapters covering evidence-based prescribing of hearing aids, as well as future trends to be expected in hearing aid and otologic research. Practical suggestions on professional marketing of hearing aids, as well as a breakdown of the economics of hearing aid dispensing to enhance profitability in today's increasingly difficult practice environment are also well covered.
The text is sure to enhance the knowledge base of the otolaryngologist in one of the fastest growing areas within the specialty.
Prevalence and Types of Hearing Loss. Review of Audiometry. Special Testing and Hearing Aid Fitting. Hearing Aid Types. Hearing Aid Amplification in the Pediatric Patient. Verification of Hearing Aid Fitting. Medical Reasons for Hearing Aid Failure. Tinnitus and the Hearing Aid Wearer. Economics of Hearing Aid Dispensing, Including Legal Requirements. Evidence-Based Information. Marketing Within an Otolaryngology Practice. Research Topic: Future Trends. Bone Anchored and Implantable Hearing Aids. Nutritional Supplements for the Hearing Impaired Patient. Hearing Aid Use in the Industrial Patient. Assistive Listening Devices. Lessons from the Real World. Index.
About The Authors
Jennifer Derebery is in private practice at the House Clinic and Ear Institute in Los Angeles. She is also a clinical professor of Otolaryngology at USC's Keck School of Medicine.
William Luxford is an associate of the House Clinic and medical director of the Children's Center of the House Ear Institute.
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