
Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders
- Edited by: Kenan Haver, Matthew Brigger, Steve Hardy, Christopher J. Hartnick
- Details:
- 600 pages, Color Illustrations (4 Color), Hardcover, 7 x 10"
- Included Media:
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-59756-237-9
- Release Date:
- 04/01/2009
Featuring topics by a wide range health care professionals across the specialties who care for children with these disorders, Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders presents a clinical set of problems that are disease, not specialty specific, and approaches them from the various standpoints of the different specialties to highlight how each can work together to identify a unified diagnosis and proper treatment.
This philosophy is based on a five-year experience between the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, where a core team of pediatric otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and speech-language pathologists see patients together, viewing them from differing perspectives, using different tests to arrive at diagnoses, and performing joint procedures as necessary.
The outcome is a book and DVD package that is at once novel, exciting, and educational. It represents a cross-fertilization of thoughts and ideas from a seemingly diverse group of specialists that focuses on specific pediatric disease-based and pediatric voice pathology-based topics.
- 1. Rigid Laryngoscopy, Tracheoscopy, and Bronchoscopy Michael Wilhelm and Mark E. Boseley
- 2. Flexible Bronchoscopy Kenan Haver
- 3. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in a Multidisciplinary Setting Stephen Hardy
- 4. Imaging of the Pediatric Airway Mary Elizabeth Cunnane and Paul Caruso
- 5. Pulmonary Function Testing in Children Kenan Haver
- 6. Anesthetic Management of Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders Corey Collins and Charles J. Coté
- 7. Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Obstruction Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
- 8. Oral and Oropharyngeal Obstruction Sally Shott and Gresham Richter
- 9. Tonsillectomy and Tonsillotomy: Treating Common Obstructor Michael J. Cunningham
- 10. Laryngomalacia Gresham T. Richter and Dana M. Thompson
- 11. Vocal Fold Immobility Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
- 12. Subglottic Stenosis Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
- 13. Tracheomalacia and Tracheal Stenosis Gresham T. Richter, Christopher T. Wootten, and Michael J. Rutter
- 14. The Diagnosis and Management of Laryngeal Clefts Emily F. Rudnick and Andrew F. Inglis
- 15. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: pH Probe, BRAVO, and Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance pH Monitoring Alessio Morley-Fletcher and Leonel Rodriquez
- 16. Extraesophageal Manifestations of GERD Benjamin D. Gold and Tejas R. Mehta
- 17. Chronic Cough in Children Christina V. Scirica and Kenan Haver
- 18. Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Gastrointestinal and Extraesophageal Manifestations Vincent A. Mukkada, Dana Thompson, and Glenn T. Furuta
- 19. Juvenile Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
- 20. Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Andrew J. Ives, Mellisa Dixon, Amelia Shoemark, Adam Jaffee, and Claire L. Hogg
- 21. Pediatric Swallowing Disorders: The Speech-Language Pathologists Perspective Jean E. Ashland and Cheryl J. Hersh
- 22. Aspiration and the Lung Colin Wallis and Donald Urquhart
- 23. Habit Cough Ceila E. Loughlin and Gerald M. Loughlin
- 24. Paradoxic Vocal Fold Motion Venu Divi, Mary J. Hawkshaw, and Robert T. Sataloff
- 25. Behavioral Medicine Approaches to Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement and Habit Cough Abigail L. Donovan, Suzanne Bender, and Bruce J. Masek
- 26. Pediatric Voice Disorders Matthew T. Brigger and Christopher J. Hartnick
- 27. Evaluation of the Child with a Vocal Disorder Shirley Gherson and Barbara M. Wilson Arboleda
- 28. Diagnosis of Sleep Disordered Breathing: The Perspective of a Sleep Medicine Specialist Norman R. Friedman and Keith L. Cavanaugh
- 29. Noninvasive Ventilation Dean R. Hess
- Index
DVD Contents:
- Video 1-1. Standard direct laryngoscopy and tracheoscopy
- Video 6-1. Demonstrations of a spontaneously breathing child *:under general intravenous anesthesia
- Video 6-2. Demonstrations of a spontaneously breathing child *:under general intravenous anesthesia
- Video 8-1. Sleep Cine MRI of Patient A
- Video 10-1. Infant undergoing flexible layrngoscopy
- Video 10-2. Flexible bronchoscopy of child with severe *:laryngomalacia
- Video 10-3. Microlaryngoscopy of infant with laryngomalacia
- Video 10-4. Microlaryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, *:supraglottoplasty in infant with severe laryngomalacia
- Video 11-1. Preoperative stroboscopy
- Video 11-2. Preoperative voice sample
- Video 11-3. Postoperative stroboscopy
- Video 11-4. Postoperative voice sample
- Video 11-5. Bilateral vocal fold immobility
- Video 11-6. Left unilateral vocal fold immobility
- Video 11-7. Apparent left vocal fold motion in a child
- Video 13-1. Rigid bronchoscopic evaluation of infant with *:tracheomalacia
- Video 13-2. Rigid endoscopic evaluation using a Hopkins rod *:of infant with severe tracheal stenos
- Video 13-3. A figure 8 deformity with Hopkins rod *:bronchoscopy of the trachea
- Video 14-1. Awake flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy on patient *:with laryngotracheal cleft
- Video 14-2. Diagnostic endoscopy of patient with type 3 *:laryngotracheal cleft
- Video 14-3. Endoscopic repair of type 2 laryngotracheal cleft
- Video 16-1. Subglottic stenosis in an infant with stridor
- Video 19-1. Intraoperative clip of obstructing papilloma with *:ball valving effect
- Video 20-1. High-speed digital video of ciliated epithealial *:strip
- Video 20-2. High-speed digital video of top view of clilated *:epithealial strip
- Video 20-3. High-speed digital video of completely static *:cilia
- Video 20-4. High-speed digital video of abnormal, dyskinetic *:beat pattern
- Video 20-5. High-speed digital video of abnormal, stiff beat *:pattern
- Video 20-6. High-speed digital video of top view epithealial *:stip
- Video 20-7. High-speed digital video of patient with known
transposition defect
- Video 21-1. VFSS exam in a patient with laryngomalacia
- Video 21-2. Nasopharyngoscopy exam by ORL service
- Video 21-3. Transient dysphagia during postsurgical recovery
- Video 21-4. VFSS exam in a patient with type I laryngeal *:cleft
- Video 21-5. FEES exam demostrating an anterior-posterior *:aspiration pattern in patient without layrngeal cleft
- Video 21-6. FEES exam demonstrating lateral aspiration *:pattern in a patient without laryngeal cleft
- Video 21-7. VFSS exam- a normal swallow despite tracheostomy
- Video 21-8. VFSS exam- etiology of aspiration related to
neurodevelopmental disorder - Video 21-9. Pattern of deep penetration into laryngeal *:vestibule
- Video 21-10. VFSS exam of unrepaired tracheoesophageal *:fistula
- Video 21-11. VFSS of narrowing at site of repair of TEF and *:delayed esophageal motility
- Video 21-12. Persistent slowed esophageal motility at site of *:TEF repair, 4 years
- Video 21-13. Nasopharyngeal reflux
- Video 21-14. Impaired coordination and motility of the *:pharnyx
- Video 21-15. VFSS of gross, silent aspiration with thin *:liquids
- Video 21-16. VFSS following deactivation of VNS
- Video 22-1. Incoordinate swallowing in a 7 year-old
- Video 22-1A. (same patient as 22-1) after the institution of *:corticosteroid therapy
- Video 22-2. Contrast dye during oral administration of *:contrast-labeled milk
- Video 22-3. Example of flexible bronchoscopy examination
- Video 22-4. After swallowing pooling and holdup
- Video 22-5. Some buildup of feed
- Video 22-6. Poor coordination in all phases of swallowing
- Video 23-1. Classic psychogenic cough
- Video 23-2. Suggestion therapy for habit cough
- Video 23-3. Hypnosis therapy for habit cough
- Video 24-1. Video example of PVFM
- Video 25-1. Pediatric patient with Paradoxical Vocal Fold *:Movement
- Video 26-1. Preoperative voice recording
- Video 26-2. Preoperative stroboscopic exam of anterior *:glottal web
- Video 26-3. Postoperative voice recording
- Video 26-4. Postoperative stroboscopic exam
- Video 26-5. Stroboscopic exam demonstrating normal laryngeal *:exam
- Video 26-6. Pre and postoperative stroboscopy of vocal fold *:cyst
- Video 26-7. Obstructing papilloma in 5 year-old
- Video 26-8. Dysphonia secondary to puberphonia
- Video 27-1. Pre-therapy speech sample of 7 year-old with *:right vocal fold
- Video 27-2. Voice sample of 3.5 year-old with history of *:pulmonary compromise
- Video 27-3. Pre-therapy speech sample of 10 year-old with *:history of layrngeal reconstruction
- Video 27-4. Speech sample and laryngeal exam of 10 year-old
- Video 28-1. Primary snoring
- Video 28-2. Child with no evidence of obstruction on sleep *:epoch
- Video 28-3. Obstructive respirations with associated oxygen *:desaturations
- Video 28-4. Obstructive respirations and neck hyperextension
- Video 28-5. Periodic breathing- episodic central apneas
- Video 28-6. Nasopharyngeal view of enlarged palatine tonsils
- Video 28-7. Enlarged lingual tonsils
- Video 28-8. Tongue prolapse
- Video 28-9. Paradoxic respirations present on left
- Video 28-10. Pitiful index
About The Editors
Kenan Haver, MD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatric Pulmonology at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, and Co-Director of the Pediatric Aerodigestive Center at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
Matthew Brigger, MD, is a Fellow in the Department of Otolaryngology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
Steve Hardy, MD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, and Co-Director of the Pediatric Aerodigestive Center at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.
Dr. Hartnick is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and has clinical appointments at the Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton, MA and the Department of Otolaryngology Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, where he is also Co-Director of the, Pediatric Airway, Voice, and Swallowing Center.
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