Early Childhood Services
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Effectiveness
Please note ECS is no longer published, but online articles from volumes 1 through 4 are are available for purchase.
Early Childhood Services is a peer-reviewed journal that represents a current, valuable resource for all who work with young children from birth to age 8, including those at risk and those with delayed development. The journal aims to provide interdisciplinary practitioners with practical and meaningful ideas and strategies to enhance their daily work. The key is the focus on effectiveness of service delivery in early care, health, and education settings, both because of the interdisciplinary emphasis, as well as coverage of results, outcome measurement, and translational research.
Each issue is thematic and includes articles covering current research about effectiveness in practice, innovative services and practice, case studies, or integrative scholarly commentaries.
The emphasis is on the interdisciplinary nature of early childhood services, drawing from the combined expertise of educators, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, pediatricians, nurses, and other professionals working with young children and their families.
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M. Jeanne Wilcox, Ph.D. and Philippa H. Campbell, OTR/L, Ph.D.
ISSN 1559-9647
Inaugural Issue: March 2007
Published quarterly in March, June, September, December
Approximately 96 pages each issue |