
Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual
- Second Edition
- Details:
- 200-250 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 7 x 10"
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-63550-131-5
- Release Date:
- 04/01/2019
The Hearing Aid Dispensing Training Manual, Second Edition remains a vital resource for individuals studying for their state practical licensing examination in hearing aid dispensing.
The manual focuses on competency for the practical sections of the examination, preparing individuals for the exam, but also for day-to-day operations in the professional environment. Separated into four modules, the book covers the main competencies of most state practical examinations: audiometric assessment, ear impressions, hearing instrument fitting, and hearing instrument care and follow-up.
The competency modules are divided into chapters related to the concept of the module. Each chapter begins with objectives and terms with definitions to help orient the reader to the topic. Each module concludes with a "Putting It All Together" section, tying together the concepts of the module with practical activities and allowing the individual to perform the competency as they would for the licensing examination. The section is followed by module quiz questions that allow the reader to increase comprehension and test their knowledge.
New to the Second Edition:
- Two new chapters on Infection Control and Tympanometry
- Module quizzes to check reader understanding for each major section
- A glossary of terms with definitions
- Additional appendices, including "cheat sheets" with quick information on important topics, an abbreviations chart, and answers to module quiz questions
- Access to online supplemental materials and additional quiz questions for each module on a PluralPlus companion website
Module 1. Audiometric Assessment
Chapter 1. Hearing Loss
Chapter 2. Audiogram Interpretation
Chapter 3. FDA Red Flags
Chapter 4. Infection Control
Chapter 5. Otoscopic Inspection
Chapter 6. Testing Equipment
Chapter 7. Tympanometry
Chapter 8. Testing Procedures
Chapter 9. Concepts of Masking
Module 1. Putting It All Together
Module 1. Quiz
Module 2. Ear Impressions
Chapter 10. Otoscopic Inspection for Impression
Chapter 11. Ear Impression Preparation
Chapter 12. After the Impression
Module 2. Putting It All Together
Module 2. Quiz
Module 3. Hearing Instrument Fitting and Orientation
Chapter 13. Delivering a Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid or Receiver-in-the-Canal Hearing Aid
Chapter 14. Earmolds
Chapter 15. Delivering an In-the-Ear Hearing Aid
Module 3. Putting It All Together
Module 3. Quiz
Module 4. Hearing Instrument Care and Follow-Up
Chapter 16. Replacing Earmold Tubing
Chapter 17. Routine Follow-Up Service
Chapter 18. Troubleshooting
Module 4. Putting It All Together
Module 4. Quiz
Recommended Reading Material
Module Quiz Answers
Appendix A. State Hearing Aid Dispenser Licensing Department Information
Appendix B. Spondee Word List
Appendix C. Blank Audiograms
Appendix D. Hearing Aid Delivery Checklist
Appendix E. Troubleshooting a Hearing Aid
Appendix F. FDA Red Flags Cheat Sheet
About The Author
Suzanne Krumenacker, AuD is a licensed Clinical and Dispensing Audiologist. She has worked on the manufacturing side of Audiology as a Manager, Staff Audiologist and Trainer for NuEar and Starkey Hearing Technologies for over 15 years.
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