
Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Clinical Reference Guide
- Edited by: Sanjay R. Parikh
- Details:
- 752 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 4.5 x 8"
- ISBN13:
- 978-1-59756-528-8
- Release Date:
- 01/30/2014
The new Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide is a concise pocket guide spanning the breadth of topics within this growing subspecialty. Formatted exactly like the best-selling "Pasha" Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery guide, this book is a comprehensive and efficient resource and covers embryology, otology, rhinology, laryngology, head and neck surgery, evidence-based medicine, and common syndromes.
Key features:
- A complete review of the pediatric subspecialty
- Bulleted list format for quick reference
- Comprehensive index
- Tabs for each chapter enable readers to quickly find sections they need
- More than 100 preeminent chapter authors from more than 30 renowned institutions
- Covers a range of topics and resources for both preparation for qualifying examinations, and also as a reference guide for otolaryngologists, pediatricians, trainees, students, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants
Sanjay R. Parikh, MD FACS
Section Editors:
- Embryology-Steven Goudy, MD
- Otology-Steven Goudy, MD, and David White, MD
- Rhinology-Emily Boss, MD, and Soham Roy, MD
- Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology-David White, MD, and Soham Roy, MD
- Head and Neck Surgery-Paul Krakovitz, MD, and Carlton Zdanski, MD
- Evidence and Guidelines in Pediatric Otolaryngology-Emily Boss, MD
- Common Syndromes-Carlton Zdanski, MD
From the Foreword
"Pediatric Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: A Clinical Reference Guide is a valuable new educational resource for residents and fellows in training who desire a comprehensive and concise source of information with respect to the discipline of pediatric otolaryngology. The guide also fills a necessary niche in terms of providing an informative text designed for the rapidly expanding group of physician extenders--physician assistants, nurses, and nurse practitioners--providing pediatric otolaryngologic care...The editor, Dr. Sanjay Parikh, and his section editors--Drs. Emily Boss, Steven Goudy, Paul Krakovitz, Soham Roy, David White, and Carlton Zdanski--are among the up and coming leaders in the field of pediatric otolaryngology. The guide's overall concept of enlisting young authors with senior mentorship, coupled with a textbook of manageable size, provides for an excellent contemporary review to guide current and future generations of otolaryngologists in the care of infants, children, and adolescents."
Michael J. Cunningham, MD, FACS
Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement
Children's Hospital Boston
Department of Otology and Laryngology
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Kate Blackmore FRCS (ORL HNS), Middlesbrough, UK, Journal of Laryngology & Otology (2014):
"This new clinical reference guide for paediatric otolaryngology gives a concise yet comprehensive overview of the sub-specialty. It is formatted exactly the same as Pashas well-known and renowned "Otolaryngology Clinical Reference Guide"... 700 pages long, the 69 chapters are divided into 7 sections: embryology, otology, rhinology, laryngology and bronchoesophagology, head and neck surgery, evidence and guidelines in paediatric otolaryngology and common syndromes. Every chapter has a bulleted easy to read layout and the chapters are concise and manageable, allowing the reader to dip in and out. It covers the breadth of paediatric otolaryngology, with up-to-date management approaches... [T]his is a good reference guide to paediatric otolaryngology. It would sit well on any otolaryngologists shelf and would be particularly useful for trainees undertaking the intercollegiate exam, as a quick reference guide for last minute exam preparation."Michel Nassar, MD, MS, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2016):
"Pediatric Otolaryngology, Clinical Reference Guide is a comprehensive and concise reference book tackling the major areas of pediatric otolaryngology. It is meant for a wide audience, including otolaryngology residents and fellows as well as pediatric residents involved in the care of children with otolaryngology problems...The contributing authors are among the national experts in their fields, offering the most up-to date recommendations for clinical and surgical management of the pediatric otolaryngology patient. It is an excellent tool for board reviews and exam revision. It can also serve as a helpful teaching resource, when used in conjunction with a pediatric otolaryngology textbook...I would not be surprised to find it soon in the white coat pockets of trainees in all teaching hospitals."Robert Nash, Specialist Registrar, Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, UK, ENT & Audiology News (Jan/Feb 2017):
""It is informative, up-to-date, clear and concise. It gives the important details on everything paediatric, from the most common pathologies to the rarest presentations. . . . Pediatric Otolaryngology is a worthy addition to the bookshelf for any otolaryngologist who treats children. It is most useful in clinical practice, although it could still be worthwhile as a reference in the approach to exams.""
Foreword by Michael Cunningham, MD, FACS
About the Editor
About the Section Editors
Section I: Embryology
Steven L. Goudy and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 1. Embryology of the Ear
Theodore R. McRackan and Steven L. Goudy
Chapter 2. Embryology of the Lip and Palate
Noel Jabbour and Steven L. Goudy
Chapter 3. Embryology of the Neck
Christopher T. Wooten
Chapter 4. Embryology of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
Frank W. Virgin, Jr.
Chapter 5. Embryology of the Face
Tara Ramachandra and Steven L. Goudy
Section II: Otology
Steven L. Goudy, David R. White, and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 6. Assessment of Pediatric Hearing
Dale A. Tylor
Chapter 7. Assessment of Pediatric Balance
Sharon L. Cushing
Chapter 8. Pediatric Tinnitus
Marc Bennett
Chapter 9. Congenital Inner and Middle Ear Anomalies
George B. Wanna and Stanley Pelosi
Chapter 10. Microtia and Atresia
Sivakumar Chinnadurai
Chapter 11. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Henry Ou
Chapter 12. Nonsurgical Hearing Rehabilitation
Joshua R. Mitchell and Steven L. Goudy
Chapter 13. Surgical Hearing Rehabilitation
David L. Horn
Chapter 14. Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Daniel Q. Sun and Margaret L. Skinner
Chapter 15. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Brian Ho, Jessica van Beek-King and George F. Harris, IV
Chapter 16. Acute Otitis Media
Travis D. Reeves and Christopher M. Discolo
Chapter 17. Otitis Media with Effusion
George Sim and Shyan Vijayasekara
Chapter 18. Complications of Otitis Media
Allison M. Dobbie
Chapter 19. Cholesteatoma
David L. Horn
Chapter 20. Disease of the External Ear
M. Taylor Fordham and Christopher M. Discolo
Chapter 21. Injuries of the Auricle and External Auditory Canal
Douglas R. Sidell and Daniel I. Choo
Chapter 22. Otologic Tumors
Pamela A. Mudd and Ken Kazahaya
Chapter 23. The Facial Nerve
David J. Crockett and Jeremy D. Meier
Section III: Rhinology
Emily F. Boss, Soham Roy, and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 24. Nasal Physiology
Kelley M. Dodson and Adrienne L. Childers
Chapter 25. Rhinosinusitis: Definitions and Diagnosis
Julie L. Wei
Chapter 26. Acute Rhinosinusitis
Timothy P. McEvoy and Kris R. Jatana
Chapter 27. Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Scott C. Manning
Chapter 28. Allergic Rhinitis
Jonathan Liang, David F. Smith and Sandra Y. Lin
Chapter 29. Cystic Fibrosis and Other Systemic Disorders
Dylan K. Chan and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 30. Complications of Rhinosinusitis
Jiovani M. Visaya and Eli Grunstein
Chapter 31. Nasal Obstruction
Jonathan R. Mark and Craig S. Derkay
Chapter 32. Nasal Foreign Bodies
Nitin Patel and Rahul K. Shah
Chapter 33. Epistaxis
Elton Lambert and Soham Roy
Chapter 34. Rhinologic and Skull Base Tumors
Randall A. Bly and Sanjay R. Parikh
Section IV: Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology
Soham Roy, David R. White, and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 35. Laryngeal Physiology
Lauren A. Kilpatrick and Gresham T. Richter
Chapter 36. Evaluation of the Larynx
David J. Crockett and Jeremy D. Meier
Chapter 37. Congenital Abnormalities of the Larynx
Steven M. Andreoli and David R. White
Chapter 38. Laryngeal Infections
Jeffrey Cheng and Steve E. Sobol
Chapter 39. Vocal Fold Immobility
Derek J. Rogers and Christopher J. Hartnick
Chapter 40. Acquired Vocal Fold Lesions
Clarice Clemmens and Karen B. Zur
Chapter 41. Gastroesophageal and Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease
Bianca Siegel and Lee P. Smith
Chapter 42. Subglottic Stenosis
Karthik Balakrishnan, Douglas R. Sidell and Michael J. Rutter
Chapter 43. Aerodigestive Foreign Bodies
Tiffany Raynor
Chapter 44. Dysphagia
Deepak Mehta
Chapter 45. Congenital Tracheal Anomalies
Fred M. Baik and Sanjay R. Parikh
Section V: Head and Neck Surgery
Paul R. Krakovitz, Carlton J. Zdanski, and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 46. Examination and Classification of Neck Masses
Anne F. Hseu and Prashant S. Malhotra
Chapter 47. Branchial Cleft Anomalies
Evan J. Propst and Vito Forte
Chapter 48. Congenital Neck Masses
Jeyanthi Kulasegarah and John Russell
Chapter 49. Cervical Adenitis and Neck Space Infections
Jason A. Brant and Mark D. Rizzi
Chapter 50. Pharyngitis
Matthew G. Yantis and Harold Pine
Chapter 51. Evaluation of Pediatric Sleep
Neal Jackson and Anita Jeyakumar
Chapter 52. Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Lawrence M. Simone and Stacey L. Ishman
Chapter 53. Craniofacial Surgery
Christopher M. Discolo
Chapter 54. Cleft Lip and Palate
Krishna G. Patel
Chapter 55. Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
Lorien Paulson
Chapter 56. Salivary Glands and Sialorrhea
Austin S. Rose and John P. Dahl
Chapter 57. Sialadenitis
John P. Dahl and Carlton J. Zdanski
Chapter 58. Salivary Gland Tumors
John P. Dahl and Carlton J. Zdanski
Chapter 59. Pediatric Thyroid Disorders
Kyra Osborne and Paul R. Krakovitz
Chapter 60. Head and Neck Malignancies
Karthik Rajasekaran, Timothy M. Haffey and Paul R. Krakovitz
Chapter 61. Hemangiomas
Lisa M. Buckmiller
Chapter 62. Vascular Malformations
Lisa M. Buckmiller
Chapter 63. EXIT (Ex utero intrapartum treatment) Procedure
Anna Hang and Carlton J. Zdanski
Section VI: Evidence and Guidelines in Pediatric Otolaryngology
Emily F. Boss and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 64. Evidence and Guidelines: Tympanostomy Tubes
David E. Tunkel
Chapter 65. Evidence and Guidelines: Tonsillectomy
Oshri Wasserzug and Ron B. Mitchell
Chapter 66. Evidence and Guidelines: Surgery for Pediatric Rhinosinusitis
Eleni Benson and Emily F. Boss
Section VII: Common Syndromes
Carlton J. Zdanski and Sanjay R. Parikh
Chapter 67. Craniofacial Syndromes
Amelia Drake
Chapter 68. Hearing Loss Syndromes
Laura H. Swibel Rosenthal and Anahita Jalilvand
Chapter 69. Neck Syndromes
Grace G. Kim and Carlton J. Zdanski
About The Editor
Sanjay R. Parikh, MD, FACS, is a board-certified pediatric otolaryngologist at Seattle Childrens Hospital and associate professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Washington.
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